Installing and setting up


You will need

  1. an opencart store set and ready. you can get the latest version here 
  2. the shopunity extension for opencart. download it here 


Installing shopunity extension

Once you have setup your opencart store, go ahead and install the downloaded shopunity extension. You can use two options to install

  1. Install via ftp. This is a very simple process but you will need an ftp access to your opencart root folder. simply unzip the downloaded zip file of the shopunity extension and upload everything you see in the folder UPLOAD into the root folder of your opencart store.
  2. Install via Opencart Extension Manager. This is even more simpler, yet you will need to be sure that this extension manager actually works. If you have trouble getting it to work, you may use this extension manager fix

Once you have installed the shopunity extension, go ahead and "install" it in the extension modules section. 

Inside the module you will find the connect button. Click connect to shopunity.


Creating an account with Shopunity

You will need an account with Shopunity before you can connect your store to it. Creating an account is very simple - just provide your email. Register at Shopunity.

Please use gmail accounts at this moment sine other email providers may block the emails and there fore not allow you to receive email with access data.


Connecting your store to shopunity

Once you have an account with shopunity, return to your Opencart store and enter the admin panel for Shopunity extension. 

Click connect. 

Your store should connect 

Enjoy the power of Shopunity


Best regards,

The Shopunity Team

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  • 0
    Enelphi Hu

    Setup Shopunity fail

    Message: This is not your store.

    But I have already register the Shopunity account.

  • 0
    Georgia Theodoropoulou

    Can I use this module if my opencart store is in localhost on my computer set up with xampp, or it should be on-line store? Because I make the installation and I get an error "This is not your store" although I set up a store in shopunit

  • 0

    When I try to go to Shopunity module, then I see a mistake: 

    "Error in the content type

    The page you are trying to view can not be displayed because it uses an incorrect or unsupported compression form."


    As a result, I can't connect any other shopunity modules. How this mistake can be fixed? Help me please.


  • 0

    If you are trying to connect to a localhost, you may face an issue when the system will have another store with the same name and url in its database and will mark you store as already connected to another user.


    in this case simple rename the store url.

  • 0

    Hi Bogdan! Thanks for your answer, but I don't understand how you can have another store with the same name. Because we've bought this domain and nobody can have the same except us.

    So, we can't rename the main stor url, because we've bought it. Maybe is there another path for decision?

  • 0
    Dick Oettinger

    Your example is OC 2, I am using OC

    Extentions -> Modules shows Shopunity by Dreamvention with a Status of Disabled.

    I am logged in to Shopunity 4.0.8 and see no way to enable it.

    The d_opencart_patch shows 3.0.8.

    I can not find any lucid installation instructions on your site...

  • 0

    slow respon

  • 0
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