Mbooth standard

Mbooth - (aka. Module Booth) - this opencart extension, used by Dreamvention to manage modules on their opencart stores. It allows the user to download or even completely delete the files of the module. 

Also it provides valuable information about the module and the version change log. 


Mbooth xml file - this file is used by the mbooth module to download the files from the system. The files are listed in the xml format. 


Example of an mbooth xml file mbooth_d_quickcheckout.xml

<name>Ajax Quick Checkout</name>
<description>Ajax Quick Checkout is a sophisticated checkout solution for Opencart, that allows the user to setup the checkout process in the most user-friendly possible way to increase the sales. It removes 6 steps leaving 1 step, creating only one button for all cases. The only solution you will ever need.</description>
<!-- xml -->
<!-- admin -->
<!-- model -->
<!-- catalog -->
<!-- view -->
<!-- vqmod -->
<!-- system -->
<require version="5.0.0">vqmod</require>
<require version="3.0.0">shopunity</require>
<update version="5.0.6"><![CDATA[
1. criticl issue fixed
<update version="5.0.5"><![CDATA[
1. criticl issue fixed
<update version="5.0.4"><![CDATA[
1. criticl issue fixed
<update version="5.0.3"><![CDATA[
1. autocompleate on. <br/>
2. address confclict fix<br/>
<update version="5.0.2"><![CDATA[
1. Bugfix.
<update version="5.0.1"><![CDATA[
1. Bugfix.
<update version="5.0.0"><![CDATA[
1. Updated to
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